Your purchase details, scheduled date of delivery and the tracking number of your shipment will be sent to you in a confirmation email once you have made your purchase. Please add to your address book to ensure our emails do not end up in your spam.
You will be notified via email once your product(s) has been shipped. If you have purchased multiple items that are likely to be shipped at different intervals in time, then you will be notified when each product has been shipped.
International delivery should take 3-7 business days via DHL or TNT. Please note that we will try our best to ship and have your order delivered as soon as possible.
Estimated shipping arrival dates are based on the day and time of placing the order, and the destination. If your item is custom made please allow at least 4-6 weeks to make the item. Always contact us for the estimated time. For international orders, customs, public holidays may delay the estimated arrival date.
Estimated shipping arrival dates are based on the day and time of placing the order, and the destination. If your item is custom made please allow at least 4-6 weeks to make the item. Always contact us for the estimated time. For international orders, customs, public holidays may delay the estimated arrival date.
All our products are shipped using DHL or TNT.
All our products are shipped using DHL or TNT.
International orders will be charged according to the weight of the products. If you are buying WHOLESALE or large quantity please contact us via e-mail for better shipping rate.
Customs charges and taxes in the country the product(s) is being shipped to are your responsibility. These charges will have to be borne by you when your shipment reaches the destination.
Customs charges and taxes in the country the product(s) is being shipped to are your responsibility. These charges will have to be borne by you when your shipment reaches the destination.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at